Juror Roy Glassborow was sworn in as the Bailiff of Warwick Court Leet at its Autumn Court, held on 19th October, 2023, at The Court House in Warwick. The new Bailiff was joined by Juror Mike Brittain who was sworn in as Low Bailiff for the period of office, running October 2023 to October 2024.
Roy has supported Warwick Court Leet since 2014 and first became a Juror in 2016. He went on to serve on the Social Committee and held posts of Bread Weigher and Foreman of the Jury. He became Low Bailiff in 2022, working with past Bailiff, Ealderman Alan Lettis.

In his acceptance speech, Roy said:
“I am proud and honoured to take on the role of Bailiff for Warwick Court Leet. Thank you to Alan and his wife, Ann, for all their support when I was Low Bailiff. I look forward to working with Mike Brittain as our new Low Bailiff and thank you to all in the Court for their support.”
In his outgoing speech, Past Bailiff, Ealderman Alan Lettis, said:
“During my time as Bailiff, I have attended and enjoyed 59 different events. Most notably, visiting Wareham Court Leet in Dorset for the Town Criers’ Competition earlier this year. I thank my wife, Ann, for all her support and for being the Bailiff’s Consort, and also thank Roy and Susan for everything while they were Low Bailiff and Consort.”
Also at the Autumn Court:
- Juror Simon Garwood was sworn in as Ale Taster.
- Retiring Ale Taster, Graham Sutherland, having served for more than 30 years, was made an honorary member of Warwick Court Leet.
- Father Patrick Mileham was sworn in as Chaplin to Warwick Court Leet.
- Richard Eddy was sworn into the office of Digital Herald for Warwick Court Leet.
- Four new Jurors were appointed to the Court: Noel Butler, Philip Higgins, Dianna Kelsey, and Joanna Ward.
- Juror Peter Knell was appointed Surveyor of Pavements.
- Juror Peter Round was appointed Flesh Taster.
- Juror Jonathan Wassal reported that the Grants committee was in the process of providing grant funding for three projects: Benches for the Millennium Garden, support for Bee Friendly Warwick, and for the maintenance and extension of Warwick Christmas Lights.